Redeveloped Clarksville Family Aquatic Center Opening in 2017

CLARKSVILLE, IN –   When the Clarksville Family Aquatic Center opened to the public in 1995, it was a much needed, state-of-the-art facility for southern Indiana residents.  Over the past 20 years, thousands of families have had the chance to enjoy a relaxing day at the pool.  Now in 2016, the Clarksville Family Aquatic Center is getting ready to undergo a major multi-million dollar redevelopment.Waterplay 1

As you would expect from a 20-year-old facility, the Clarksville Family Aquatic Center is beginning to show its age.  Even before a pipe break shut operations down for several days in 2015, the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department had begun researching possible changes to the facility to update equipment, replace aging pipes, and provide an overall better experience for our residents.  The aquatic center was also facing changing market trends, along with a consistent problem of finding enough lifeguards for the season.Waterplay 2

The most notable change to the Clarksville Family Aquatic Center will be the addition of a very large splash pad which will be unique to the southern Indiana area.  The splash pad, which replaces the current zero-depth pool area, will include new play structures, water slides, discovery streams, and other additional water play features.  Not only will the change from a zero-depth pool to a splash pad allow the facility to open earlier and close later in the season, it will also allow us to lower our required number of lifeguards by more than half.  The redevelopment will also include adding more efficient pool pumps and equipment which will help save on water and chemical usage/costs.

The Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department was working to complete this project during the Winter/Spring season in order to open in May 2016.  Unfortunately due to time restraints and other factors, the project will need to be completed over the summer months.  For this reason, the Clarksville Family Aquatic Center will not open for the 2016 season.  While this is not our preferred course of action, we know that Clarksville area families will be excited about the improvements, and look forward to the opening of a newly redeveloped facility in 2017.

Thank-you for your patience and understanding as we get ready to create a great new aquatic center for the Town of Clarksville!

About Clarksville Parks

The Town of Clarksville is located in Southern Indiana, right across the Ohio River and Louisville, KY. The mission of the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department is to enhance the quality of life in the town by providing the best possible recreational facilities, open natural spaces, and programs for its citizens.
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